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Natural supplements for modern life
As a MyoReformation practitioner I often come across clients whose diet is hindering their progress.
Accessing the wide range of nutrients that the body needs to function optimally is a challenge these days. Our food is simply not diverse enough to meet our needs.
Agriculture is so reliant on pesticides, chemical fertilisers and anti-biotics.
Even those who do have the luxury of growing their own food or having access to local organic produce, there is no guarantee for soil quality or strong genetics of their crops.
This is why an easy to take daily supplement, that has been rigorously designed and tested is a great tonic for busy people.
I personally take natural supplements from Synergy daily as I am happy to know that as a minimum, my system is getting vitamins, adaptogens, minerals, nutrients, fibre and antioxidants to supercharge my energy and support my immune, digestive and psychological health.
If you would like personalised support picking Synergy products then I would recommend that you start by completing this health check questionnaire:

Support your body with the healing power of nature
The miracle molecule for cardiovascular health
Cardiovascular disease is the second biggest cause of death in the UK right now. The plant world has a helpful solution - Nitric Oxide.

High quality standards
Pure, potent and safe. Nature's Sunshine has arguably the best laboratory for quality testing in the world.
Direct marketing
Proprietary formulations
Synergy researches and develops their own products, ensuring that their formulations are targeted and effective.
Why I chose Synergy Worldwide?
Synergy's direct marketing business model promotes community and grass-roots business opportunity.
Himalayan Beets Boost
Wholefood Greens Boost
Natural Energy Boost
Cardiovascular Health
Tissue Health
Skin, Hair and Nail Health
Joint Health
Gut Reset Program
Purify Kit
Need help choosing? Try the health check questionnaire now...
My Synergy regimen
Please bear in mind that each body has different deficiencies and needs. This is my personal regimen and I do expect it to change over time (last updated 8.11.2024). I consider nutrition and physiology as hobbies so be sure to do your own research before adding any of these supplements to your regime.
I take the Beets every day - I just love the boost it gives me. I found it to be a bit sweet when I first tasted it but I have got used to that. It's great mixed with the Greens as well - that makes for a nice earthy taste.
I also take Body Prime daily mostly for the highly available magnesium - something most of us lack and is vital for many functions in the body.
Greens and ProArgi-9+ I ration partly to keep my costs down (I give lots away!). The Greens are a great all-round supplement and I usually feel the lift in my body and spirit. If I was higher risk for cardiovascular issues I would absolutely take ProArgi-9+ daily, as I write this I'm thinking maybe I will:
ProArgi-9+ is perhaps the most impressive - and important - of the lot so I'll break convention and dabble in the science. Nitric Oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter which relaxes and widens blood vessels, supporting cardiovascular health amongst other things - in fact it is NO which is responsible for penile erections. L-arginine is an amino acid and the key ingredient to Nitric Oxide synthesis. ProArgi-9 is quoted in the Physician's Desk Reference as being the highest quality l-arginine supplement in the world. And why does all of this matter? Well - in the UK, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the second leading cause of death, after dementia and Alzheimer's disease. I like to think of MyoReformation and ProArgi-9 as the Batman and Robin of cardiovascular health.
While we are here. The popularity of beetroot in sports performance and recovery is also due to their high content of l-arginine so they are offering some of the same cardiovascular advantages.
I am currently trialing the V3 pack which contains PhytoLife and Mistify as well as our friend Pro-Argi 9. I am interested in the alkalising properties of the Phytolife (chlorophyll content of 1kg of raw leafy greens) and the antioxidant power of Mystify (antioxidant power of 3.5kg red berries).
Before playing football or Muay Thai training I often take e9. I have found that my performance has been boosted by sustained energy and focus. The first time I tried e9 with football I played the best game I'd played in years - coincidental? Unlikely, e9 metabolises the body's energy reserves without sugar and insulin spikes or caffeine highs and lows. It's an energy drink that isn't a monster and doesn't give you wings.
Another great side effect for me of supplementing with Synergy is that most of my supplements are taken with water - keeping me well hydrated and also keeping the palet interested. I also love the power of water-only-fasting and I love my new regimen of supplement-and-water-only fasting. I feel satiated and energised and resourced while still being able to rest my digestive system and trigger the body to cleanse via detoxification and autophagy. Every quarter I try to do a fast on water only for a number of days - leaving all supplements aside.
I am hoping to join my colleague Lu's gut reset/detox program in soon, using the Purify Kit.
* Avoid products with stevia if you're trying for a baby, I'm told it can act as a natural contraceptive... but do try ProArgi-9+ for erectile issues!
Partner with Synergy
I am a business partner with Synergy, I earn commission when I succesfully help Synergy to expand.
If you: have a dream to fund and care about people - then you might be interested in joining my team...
Freedom for all: MyoReformation deep holistic bodywork, mentorship and nutrition.
Contact Liberate ...
+44 7810 424 995
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Some of the information on this website is amalgamated from personal research, interpretations and experiences and is not to be taken as medical advice.
Consult with your physician before starting manual therapy treatments.
Thank you to all of the mentors, friends and guides who have contributed, inspired and supported me up to this point.
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