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Liberate Man: Brotherhood, Transformation, Responsibility
Alastair has over 100 hours of field experience in Men's work. He co-facilitated a Men's embodiment training in Harare in 2023. He is on Sacred Son's leadership pathway and has experience facilitating groups through embodiment practices, process work and high jinks.
NourishMENt group exploration
You are what you consume. A simple yet transformative container.
1 on 1 guidance
I am offering my personal brotherhood to a select few men who are keen to explore more deeply.
Liberate ... Men Hackney
Write a short text about your service. Highlight key benefits for potential clients.
Alastair has over 100 hours of Men's Work experience with Sacred Sons, FirNaTire, First Men, Love Jam Men's Space, EmergentMen, Brotherhood of Light, Brother (Cape Town one), (the one with thingy Simpson in Cape Town) and Harare Men's Group.
Freedom for all: MyoReformation deep holistic bodywork, mentorship and nutrition.
Contact Liberate ...
+44 7810 424 995
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Some of the information on this website is amalgamated from personal research, interpretations and experiences and is not to be taken as medical advice.
Consult with your physician before starting manual therapy treatments.
Thank you to all of the mentors, friends and guides who have contributed, inspired and supported me up to this point.
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